Web Developer

Geplaatst 4 jaar geleden

Duration: 1 year (+extensions, long term)

Location: Brussels

Description of the function

As part of your role, you will participate in the digital transformation through the implementation of various tools and technologies in a secure manner in order to face the challenges as a Front End Analyst-Developer

To this end, you will be incorporated into a multidisciplinary team.

Your tasks will include the following:

You participate in the design, development and testing of computer applications based on

preliminary functional and technical analysis.

You ensure quality monitoring and development of Delphi applications in an environment multi-user, high availability and high visibility.

You follow technological developments, and you provide technical advice in your field of specific knowledge while proposing possible adaptations to projects.

You analyse, in collaboration or not with the functional analysts, the needs of the users.

You meet the expectations and technical specifications of users, taking into account the

feasibility and rules and standards within the administration.

You write the technical documentation.

You help ensure the maintenance of applications in order to improve them or adapt them to

the evolution within software and hardware.

You provide adequate technical support.

You will build applications from scratch and improve existing ones.

You will develop complex applications and play an important role in projects of a great reach.


– 3-5 years experience with web development

– Proven expereince with front end development

– Expereince with javascript/jquery, html, css

– Experience and/or knowledge of php

– Experience with frameworks (such as bootstrap, metroUI, any others)

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Vacature eigenschappen

Vacature categorieI.T.

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