Capacity Manager

Geplaatst 2 jaar geleden

Start Date : 01/10/22

Duration : 6 months ++ ( The duration of the mission will be determine by you

Languages : English and French

Location : Bruxelles (Full remote possible)

Job Description :
The client as a platform that is hosted internally and is based on an application
developed in-house. They wish to improve the control of its capacities.
The expectations of the service are :
– Study – state of the art: collection of system and application measurements, saturation
threshold, etc…
– Implementation of capacity indicators
– Prediction of infrastructure adjustments to maintain or improve the platform’s capacity
– Performance audit on applications
– Definition of a performance standard (application metrics) for application deliveries
– Audit of the benchmark platform
– Writing of a white paper

Skills :
– 5 years of experience as Capacity Manager
– Good experience in Agile
– ITIL Certified
– Curiosity and autonomy in work
– Ability to model services
– Good analytical skills
– Good interpersonal skills and ability to interact with a client
– Collaborative and inter team work
– Ability to propose and implement solutions and audit strategies
– Good knowledge of Linux system, PostgreSQL databases
– Good knowledge of the infrastructure (processor saturation, RAM swap), network
– Good knowledge of application logs
– Good knowledge of SQL language

Online solliciteren :

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