Java Developer

Contract, Permanent
Publié il y a 4 ans

Talencia is looking for a Java Developer for one of its clients.


  • Location: Brussels
  • Duration: 5 months (+ extensions)
  • Start date: mid or end of July 2020

Job description:

1) Developer job – responsibilities

Designs and/or implements changes in the context of a Software Change Request (SCR)Duties.

Translates (part of) an SCR document into a concrete design, consistent with the functional requirements, the Software Architecture and the technical specifications.

Implements this design with the required technologies; the implementation usually consists of a modification of a larger, ever-evolving system.

Creates and performs unit tests.

Assists the functional analyst with the technical aspects of the preparation of an SCR and the associated specifications.

Fulfills the RUP roles Implementer and Designer.

2) Supports the developed applications

Assists in the problem analysis of incidents on the testing and production platforms.

Handles the SPR (Software Problem Report) assigned to him/her.

Does code refactoring where necessary.

3) Maintains the technical knowledge and documentation of the BeNe systemDuties: 

Is technical expert for one or more BeNe applications and/or components, and maintains the technical documentation.

Formulates improvement proposals from his/her technical domain.

4) Evolution of responsibilities

Responsibilities can evolve according to the growth in experience and competence.

  • Junior: above all concrete implementation of changes with a clear design.
  • Intermediate/Advanced: design and implementation.  Lead Developer of a simple component.Certified on basic technology (e.g. Java Programming).
  • Senior: design and implementation. Lead Developer of an application or one or more components.Active participation in technical analysis. Acts as code reviewer. Is a potential member of a TechnicalReview Board. Certified expert in one or more technologies.
  • Expert: can act as Software Architect, has a global overview on the BeNe System. Is also responsible for quality control and knowledge transfer.


General (In order of importance)

Technological Knowledges: a craftsman and/or expert in his technological field, and continuously trains himself for this.

Professional effectiveness. Can turn concrete requirements into a technological solution correctly and quickly. Accurate and quality-oriented.

Communication skills.  Has the communication skills, both written and spoken, to be a good team player to work in projects. Has the necessary knowledge of English, Dutch and/or French.

Technologically driven, result-oriented.


Proficient in one or more of the following technological domains :

  • Java Web Technology (html, http, Servlet, JSP, Struts, javascript, css)
  • Java Component Technology and Frameworks (J2EE, EJB, JAX-B, JAX-WS, Spring, Hibernate)
  • Java GUI (Swing)
  • Oracle PL/SQLo XML technologies (xml, xslt, xml schema, castor, …)

Modelling :

  • Good knowledge of Object and Component Oriented Design
  • Good knowledge of UMLo Knowledge of Database Design (ERD, standardization)o Knowledge of XML Design (xml schema)

Configuration Management : GiT.

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Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiI.T.

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